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Naar de klote!

Naar de klote! (1996)

Great Nudity!

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A pair of fresh-faced twenty-somethings find themselves quickly in over their heads in Amsterdam’s rave scene in the pulsing Dutch romantic drama Naar de klote! (1996). Sometimes referred to simply as Wasted!, the film chronicles the loss of innocence of Jacqui (Fem van der Elzen) and Martijn (Tygo Gernandt), naïve youngsters who dive head-first into the drug and sex culture that characterizes Amsterdam clubs. As their situations grow increasingly difficult and dangerous, the youngsters find themselves questioning whether to move in different directions. For Martijn, however, this would definitely be the wrong move--a body like van der Elzen’s only comes around once in a while, and she’s more than happy to offer access to her horny boyfriend in countless scenes.